Currently, IAGT is empowering women in Toronto and other cities within the GTA. IAGT aspires to help as many women as possible. Eventually we want to expand this idea to other parts of the world outside of Canada.
The St. Felix Centre is a community centre that offers many different programs to assist people living in Toronto. The St. Felix house strives to empower women through provision of affordable housing, social support and a safe space to live. The house hosts about 15 women at a time who are encouraged as they are making significant changes in their lives. Every year, empowered women move out of the house to live independently again, and new women are welcomed into the house.
The women are provided meals through the St. Felix Centre and through donations. The women at the house purchase their own toiletries, including feminine hygiene products. We are excited to support the women at the St. Felix House by providing feminine hygiene products, allowing these women to continue to grow in their confidence.
Fight4Freedom is dedicated to battling human trafficking in the sex trade, seeing victims set free, and giving beauty from ashes. F4F Provides gift bags to the women they encounter and it’s a girl thing will begin donating feminine hygiene products to add to the gift bags.
The Oasis Dufferin Community Center refers community members for shelter, legal, food security, and
financial needs. They provide: Emergency Food Bank, Advocacy, Counselling, Senior's Club, Discipleship and Mentoring, Volunteer Placement Program, and English Conversation
Oasis is a unique and diverse community. Centered in the Dufferin and Dupont neighbourhood of central west Toronto, it attracts people from all over the city. Serving people, Oasis has learned
that we all have profound needs that are met by and with each other. Members of all social, economic and cultural communities join together to share, learn and grow together.